Quality products & ORGANIC flours
We are passionate bakers. We make the best breads and pastries, always respecting the baking traditions and nature. All our products are made on site and Boulangerie Capucine is labeled ” Boulanger de France “.
Our range of “Respectus Panis” breads are exclusively kneaded and shaped by hand, made without mechanical action. These breads are made with organic and sourdough flours. The “Respectus Panis” range of breads is made with AB flours from Moulins de Brasseuil in Yvelines, near Évreux.
Our other breads are made with flours from Guillaume Sébire’s wheat in Ryes. The Moulin d’Étouvy, near Vire, grinds wheat. We have created a unique short circuit with our partners.
News & novelties
Croissant, chocolate, almond or pistachio bread, apple turnover, pepito….so many sweets that we offer you for a sweet and relaxing moment!
Raw vegetables, ham, cheese, chicken, veggie, tuna… Sandwiches or Baggels… Come and enjoy your snack or lunch at the bakery or “to take away”
For something more substantial, for your breakfast or for your lunch break, we offer you, on site, complete gourmand and tasty formulas… Let yourself indulge in the pleasure of the moment!
Our contact details
For any request for information, for an order or a personalized quote, do not hesitate to contact us directly or use our contact form.
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Boulangerie Capucine
75 Rue Saint-Jean, 14400 Bayeux
Téléphone : 02 31 21 31 86
Open every day except on friday, from 7 AM to 7.30 PM